Case #2 A 32 year old male patient reports that his vision in his right eye has not been very clear since he was hit in the eye 5 years ago with a piece of wire. He was treated at the time at the regional ophthalmology clinic for a deep corneal laceration. You find an area of scarring O.D. just temporal to the center of the cornea, there is no staining over this area. The following are the present findings: K-readings: O.D. 44.50 @ 035; 46.00 @ 125 moderate distortion O.S. 44.00 @ 180; 44.75 @ 090 clear Spectacle Rx: O.D. -2.25 = -1.25 x 180 VA 20/30 O.S. -3.00 = -0.50 x 180 VA 20/15 Which lens type would you recommend for this patient?